Each of us at Nursegrid have had moments where we felt vulnerable, in pain, and often confused, but nurses quite literally have come to our rescue. We consider it a privilege every day to build technology specifically to make the lives of nurses easier, to try and give back in any way we can. So, for Nurses’ Week we are sharing a few stories from our team about times when we were helped and cared for by nurses:
“I haven’t spent much time in hospitals. I’ve never broken a bone, needed stitches, or been very ill (I am very lucky or maybe just very cautious). But, I knew I’d be spending at least a few days in the hospital after I gave birth. I had been working at Nursegrid for about seven months previous to having my baby (bonus that I got to work around nurses in an office setting while pregnant!) and I had spent those months learning more about the profession. Despite knowing I would be in good hands, I was still nervous about everything.
I had a very long labor. I went through several different nurses as they switched shifts, but each time they put me at ease, made sure I was comfortable, and addressed any concerns I had. The nurse who helped deliver my son coached me through everything, she was incredible. When my baby was finally born the same nurse grabbed my phone and offered to take pictures and a video for us when we first held him. Those photos and that video are so precious to me! (One of those photos is at the top of this article) What a gift that my nurse took the time to do that for us instead of just heading out now that the baby was there. I’m so grateful for her and how thoughtful she was.”
— Tessa, Content Strategist
“My nurse told me, ‘Well, you probably don’t have rabies, but if you do have it, the chance of dying is about 100%, so I recommend you get the rabies treatment.’ Having been bitten by a street dog while overseas on a deployment for the U.S. government, I felt fine but was in a bit of situation. The dog was long gone and probably didn’t have rabies, but who knew really? I opted to take my the advice of Anne, my superstar nurse. The problem was we were located hundreds of miles away from the closest rabies treatment shot. Fortunately, Anne was a superstar nurse. After carefully washing out the bite wound, Anne turned her attention to kicking our slow-moving bureaucracy into high gear. Her skill and determination got the appropriate medicine flown out to our location in a matter of hours, ensuring I never had to find out if I could beat the ‘about 100%’ chance of fatality. Thank you Anne, wherever you are now.”
— Hank, President
“In college I ended up in one of New York’s busiest emergency rooms with a raging kidney infection. I was in terrible pain, alone and barely able to explain what was wrong. A nurse scooped me out of the chaos, introduced herself, hooked me up to IV antibiotics, and checked on me every 45 minutes. When my parents arrived, she brought them to see me, and when I was discharged, she made sure I knew how to reach out if I had any questions or concerns. This nurse made a scary experience a little more bearable. Even years later, I’m grateful for that nurse and the care she provided.”
— Katie, Associate Product Manager
“I will never forget my nurse Grace. She changed my entire world that morning. It had been a long day that ended in a unplanned c-section that led into a very long 27 hours… My nurses throughout surgery and recovery were incredible. They checked on me every hour and listened as I talked through what just happened. They cared for me and my son around the clock, but due to what had happened they could not get me out of bed just yet. When the morning shift change occurred, Grace was assigned my room. Grace could see that I was losing my mind a little and needed to get out of bed… she was able to unhook me from all my devices (catheter and all!) and got me to put my feet on the ground and stand up. This was a moment I will never forget. She cleaned me up and got me breakfast and the next thing I knew I was on my way from what felt like the basement of Legacy Emanuel to the 7th floor of Randall Children’s hospital to recover in an oversized room with a view. My husband and I will never forget that morning and our nurse, Grace. Thank you!”
— Stef, Executive Assistant
“I certainly have a story about a nurse who has helped me. The bad news is it is from 50+ years ago and involves the olden days when they removed tonsils and used ether as the anesthetic, and I was so sick, vomiting, and felt awful. The good news is, the nurse that helped me, well I still remember her name, Lilian, and how kind and comforting she was to me. To this day when I think of the experience I tear up, as I am right now.”
— Paul, CFO