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Managing Your Department’s Schedule Just Got Easier

Today, we are excited to announce a big update and new features to Nursegrid Manager. With the release of our new Reassign, Split Shift, and Convert to Open Shift features, Nursegrid customers have even easier ways to manage their schedule.
managing nurses

As part of our ongoing quest to make the lives of nurses and nurse managers easier, we are continually listening to our customers and improving our scheduling products.

Today, we are excited to announce a big update and new features to Nursegrid Manager. With the release of our new Reassign, Split Shift, and Convert to Open Shift features, Nursegrid customers have even easier ways to manage their schedule.

Split Shift Feature

Split Shift

Managers can now split a shift quickly with just a few clicks, keeping overtime costs down and improving staff satisfaction with their scheduling.

If an employee can only accept part of an open shift or previously scheduled shift, the Split Shift feature will separate the event into two different shifts and assign the remainder to another employee.

Shift Reassignment Feature

Shift Reassignment

When a staff member calls out for a shift, managers can utilize Nursegrid’s Shift Reassignment feature, making sure that their unit is always adequately staffed.

When choosing new staff members to assign to that shift, all staff members in the department appear, separated by those who are working and those who are not (staff can be filtered by name, position, and charge status).

By default, reassigned staff members do not have to have the same position type.

Convert to Open Shift Feature

Convert to Open Shift

Not sure whom to reassign a shift to? Put it up for grabs with the new Convert to Open Shift feature: with just a few clicks, make a shift available to be picked up, then watch the responses roll in.

We hope you find these new features exciting and functional. As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any feedback you have!

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