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Feature Series: Shift Swaps

Stop dreading the inevitable nurse shift swap! The latest Nursegrid feature makes shift-swapping easier than ever. Never again have an island shift!
Nursegrid Blog

Nursegrid Feature Update: Start Shift-Swapping with Coworkers!

Take control of your schedule by easily swapping shifts with others. Nursegrid will show you who is available for a swap, then makes completing that swap a matter of seconds.

Avoid sending out mass emails or tapping shoulders. This new Nursegrid feature even allows you to incentivize a swap with points. Forget calling in “sick” to work—swap shifts with Nursegrid and enjoy that time off you worked so hard for!

Now that it’s this easy you’ve got control over your schedule like never before. Go ahead swap that Tuesday night shift and get out of town for a day or two!

Nursegrid is the first scheduling and communication app built exclusively for nurses, by nurses. The Nursegrid App operates independently of any existing hospital systems, which means any nurse can use it to save countless hours managing your personal work schedule.

Many of the Nursegrid App’s best features get unlocked when you invite your colleagues to download the app as well. Once your colleagues join, you can see each other’s work schedules, send private messages, and quickly find people who can work for you when you need to swap a shift. Never again deal with the usual headache of phone calls/emails/texts to complete a shift swap! Inviting your colleagues is easy through our Facebook and email integrations.

Nursegrid is founded by RNs, and our mission is to help nurses take control of their work lives. As nurses, we got tired of how much time it took to manage our work schedules, so we decided to make a better way for all nurses.

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